Category Archives: Announcements

Choir Notes

It’s a great time to join the choir! We have started on our brand new Easter music and would be glad for you to join us. Faithful attendance and a love for music are needed to participate. We meet in the choir room following the Wednesday prayer service.

Men’s Choir

The men and boys are asked to meet in the choir loft following the Sunday evening services on January 24 and January 31. We will practice for Baptist Men’s Day as we want to sound our best! See you there!

Souper Sunday

We will have our annual Souper Sunday Fellowship on February 7, at 5:00 pm. This will be a time to come together and share and enjoy a warm fellowship together. The following things are needed to make this a success: Your attendance, soups/stews/chili beans, crackers and cornbread. Drinks will be provided. Please sign up in the church office if you can bring a soup/stew. We will also be collecting salmon, tuna and soap for our church food pantry. We look forward to this time together! Thank you for  your help!

Baptist Men’s Day

Our men will lead in worship on Sunday, February 7, at 11:00 am for Baptist Men’s Day. Our speakers will be Garrick Irwin and Jason Mosley. The men will fill the choir during the morning service. Please pray for this upcoming service.

Baby Bottle Boomerang

During the next few weeks, we will be sponsoring the Baby Bottle Boomerang for the Carolina Pregnancy Center. Baby bottles are available to be filled with change or a check and return them back to the church office by Sunday, February 7. Thank you for your support of this important ministry!