All posts by Jamie Compton


There will be an informational meeting in the fellowship hall this morning following the worship service for any girls who may have an interest in attending GA camp this summer. Please plan to attend. Thank you!


In 2011, the Deacons voted to determine the interest in a Family Life Center when we reached a goal of $500,000 in the Family Life Center Fund. Presently, we have $561,193.23 in our Family Life Center Fund. Therefore, we will ask each member to participate in a short written survey during the Sunday school hour on Sunday, March 20. Members not attending Sunday school will be asked to participate in the survey prior to the morning worship service. There will be more information concerning the actual survey soon. This will be a very important survey that we would like all members to have an input. Please contact a Deacon with any questions. Thank you!


The month of March will be our emphasis for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Our church goal is $2,500.00. As of last Sunday, we have received $375.00. You may use the Annie Armstrong offering envelope in your box or just mark your regular envelope. Please pray about your part in this important home missions offering.


A new Beth Moore bible study will begin on Tuesday, September 29, at 6:30 pm. This will be an eleven week study of ‘Breaking Free’ looking at the book of Isaiah. It focuses on the benefits of knowing God and anything that hinders us from those benefits is bondage. God intends for us to know and believe Him, glorify Him, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence. Don’t miss this exciting new study. You must call or sign up in the church office so books can be ordered.

Operation Christmas Child

We have the opportunity to be involved in packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child on Monday, December 14 in Charlotte. We will leave the church at 7:30 am and return by     3:00 pm. If you would like to go, please sign up in the church office where more information is posted.