Category Archives: Announcements

Promotion Sunday

Promotion Sunday will be September 7. All Sunday school teachers need to turn in the names of those students who will promote into the next class. We also need the names of anyone who has had perfect attendance this past church year. Please inform the church office by Sunday, August 24. Thank you!

Wanted: Willing Believers

Skills Needed: Love for God; Love for His People; Desire to Obey Him; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8

There will be an informational meeting in the fellowship hall on Sunday, September 7 following the morning service to discuss a mission trip for all ages to Nicaragua in the summer of 2015. For more information, please visit

Nursery Workers

We are trying something new in our church nursery. We have workers during the morning service and different workers during the evening service. We are asking for additional volunteers to help out on a rotation basis. You could volunteer to help in the morning or evening, but you would not miss both services in one day. Please see Alexis if you would be willing to help. Thank you!

School Supplies

We will be collecting school supplies for our Inman area schools for the next several weeks. Some needed items are: #2 pencils, colored pencils, crayons (24 count), glue sticks (not bottles), blunt tip scissors, metal zipper pencil pouches, marble composition notebooks, 3-ring binder notebooks, dry erase markers, hand sanitizer and backpacks. We will also shop for supplies if you would like to donate money. Thank you!