Special Meetings/Updates
— The choir will be practicing Sundays at 5:10 pm in the choir room for a few weeks. We would welcome new members or returning veteran choir members. We will dismiss in time for the evening service. Come help us praise the Lord through song.
Thursday, February 13, 12 pm – Senior Adult Luncheon
Luncheon will be in the fellowship hall. Special music will be provided by Today’s Trio, which includes Wayne Seay and Caroll Splawn. Bring a covered dish to share.
Sunday, February 16, 10:30 am – Church Conference
Upon the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and Deacons, we will have a church conference for the purpose of approving a new Church Hostess. This will be a contracted position, and the annual salary of $5,200.00 was included in this year’s budget. If approved, the Personnel Committee will begin accepting resumes for the position. See Faye Cothran if any questions.
Wednesday, February 19, 7:15 am – Mabry FCA
We have an open door to carry the gospel into the school. We will provide breakfast, devotion, and prayer for the students. If you would like to help, please see Travis.
Friday, February 21 – Winter Jam Youth Event
See Griffin for more information.
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
Needed Items for February:
Stuffed Animals
Baby Dolls
Anything they can hug 🙂
Click here for some suggestions of items or if you shop on Amazon, click here to buy/ship items directly to Crystal.
Operation Christmas Child Fundraiser
Parents, enjoy a Valentine’s Day Date Night while we watch your kids!
When: Valentine’s Day – Friday, February 14
Time: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Where: Inman Mills Baptist Family Life Center
Who: Kids ages 3-12
Cost: $20 for the first child, $15 for each additional sibling
Checks should be made payable to Inman Mills Baptist Church or cash. All proceeds will go to the OCC Shoebox Ministry. Please sign up at the church office by Sunday, February 9 if you would like for your child/children to participate. We will have dinner, snacks, and a lot of fun! Please see Johnna or Crystal with any questions.
Study of “The End Times” Sunday Evenings – 6 pm
This will be a rather long series and you will need to bring your Bible. I hope you will make plans to be present! In light of the current events in our country and the Middle East, we need to have some biblical information. I am looking forward to teaching this study and hope to have a good number of people present.
God Bless, Brother Jack
Baby Bottle Boomerang
Carolina Pregnancy Center is a Christ centered ministry that offers many free services for unplanned pregnancies. We have the opportunity once again for our annual Baby Bottle Boomerang to help this important ministry. Please take a baby bottle, located at all bulletin stations, and fill them with coins, bills or a check made payable to Carolina Pregnancy Center, and return it back to the church by Sunday, March 2. Most importantly, please pray for this ministry and those whom they serve daily!
Blessing Box
If you would like to donate items to our new blessing box, you may place them inside the box or you may bring items into the cross hall. Tony and Kim Kirtsey would also be happy to shop for you, if you would prefer. Specific items needed are:
Cans of Soup
16 oz. Peanut Butter
Vienna Sausages
The Bridge at Green Street
Please remember this ministry as you may be cleaning out closets this winter. They can always use gently used men, women, and children’s winter clothing. Thank you for your faithful support of this ministry that helps so many folks. See Carol Mathis if you have any questions.