Category Archives: Announcements


The WMU Georgia Belles will meet on Tuesday, September 6, at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. At this planning meeting for the new church year, we always enjoy great fellowship and a delicious salad supper. Everyone is asked to bring your favorite salad such as fruit, chicken, pasta, etc. Also we are collecting bath soap for the North Spartan Baptist Association prison packets. Please bring 6 bars of soap (4 oz. size) for these packets. We welcome new members as we start the new church year!


The RA boys will be selling meal tickets for the Kairos Prison Ministry this morning and next Sunday, September 11 as you leave the morning worship service. The cost of the meal ticket is $5.00 each. See Jason Mosley or David Varner for more information.


Please remember the Concert of Prayer on Sunday, September 18, at 6:00 pm in the Chapman High School Auditorium. The evening will begin at 5:00 pm with a prayer time on Main Street and proceed with a prayer walk with an American flag to Chapman for the Concert of Prayer. Invite others to attend this important time!