Category Archives: Announcements

WMU Salad Supper

The WMU Georgia Belles will meet on Tuesday, September 6, at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. At this planning meeting for the new church year, we always enjoy great fellowship and a delicious salad supper. Everyone is asked to bring your favorite salad such as fruit, chicken, pasta, etc. Also, we are collecting bath soap for the North Spartan Association prison packets. Please bring 6 bars of soap (4 oz. size) for these packets. We welcome new members as we start the new church year!

Promotion Sunday

Promotion Sunday will be September 4. We will recognize those students who will promote into the next class, as well as anyone who has had perfect attendance this past church year. Please turn the names in to the church office no later than August 31.

Prayer & Coffee

Everyone is invited to our church on Monday, August 22, at 8:00 am in the fellowship hall for a time of prayer for our community and nation. Coffee will be provided. Invite a friend and join us for this important time of prayer!